The year 2009 saw a big increase in international clients for CrashBang Digital. As the map above shows, they're located from France, England, and Romania, to Malaysia, Australia, and Singapore (that one dot isn't in the middle of the Atlantic - it's the island of Aruba. I was really hoping for an on-site meeting there... ) I suspect it's because we offer one thing that can't be outsourced overseas: an American accent. Most of the clients are building Internet businesses that need an average American spokesperson (me!).
To aid in my goal of teletransporting myself internationally, I set up a "green screen" studio here. That way I can easily switch backgrounds in my videos. It's a large (5x7) backdrop that's hung behind me. It's the same technology that the TV weather guy uses to point out things on the weather map. Now if I could just get the teletransporter function working. Aruba - here I come!

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