Monday, August 25, 2008

Canadians Not Loose With Their Loonies

We learned something about Canadian consumers during this past weekend's appearances on The Shopping Channel in Toronto. They tend to carefully consider a purchase. When we present a product on QVC in the States, people call in during the show and immediately buy the product. On the Canadian Shopping Channel, the calls tend to come in after the show is over. So, I assume the buyers are doing a little research before plunking down their hard-earned loonies. The sales were respectable during three showings on Sunday, so I guess I'll be heading back for another appearance soon. That's a good thing, since I was hoping to visit the Canadian side of Niagara Falls during this visit, but got side-tracked by visiting a great winery (or 2 or 3!) along the shores of Lake Ontario. (Can you see my blood-shot eyes in this photo?)

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