I learned about a new strategy for day trading recently when I produced a new multimedia course for Wealthpire, called Morning Hours Trading. It's based on finding stocks that show a large gap in price between the previous days' closing price and the opening price the next trading day. Typically these stocks are good candidates for day traders (folks who buy a stock and then sell it the same day).
The Morning Hours Trading course consists of five DVDs and five audio CDs, and is based on the two-volume book written by Bob Joiner. You can learn more about the concept by visiting www.Weathpire.com. Here's a short clip of the introduction from the program:
Now there's a solution to the 12,000 laptops that are lost or stolen. SafePatrol Solutions is offering a line of cutting-edge products that helps you locate your laptop, recover important files, and then destroy confidential documents. Mobile SafePatrol will even remotely activate the webcam on your missing laptop, and send you a photo of the person trying to access your files. Cool stuff.
We produced a marketing video for SafePatrol Solutions that tells the story with animated graphics, audio, and photos. You can learn more about Mobile SafePatrol by visiting LaptopMobileSecurity.com.
Video tutorials on how to use a software product or website can be fun to create, particularly when the product is as cool as VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxe. It converts all your old media, such as VHS tapes and vinyl records, to a digital format and then burns DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and CDs.
We used the Jing software to capture the VHS to DVD application screens, and then combined HD footage shot by the client (Honestech, Inc.) with voiceover and LiveType in FinalCut. When I produce tutorials or screencasts, I usually record the narration first, and then match the action to that (as opposed to talking while using the software). I think it makes for a more professional video (that, and I can't walk and chew gum at the same time...)
We just finished a marketing video for our friends at Honestech, Inc. in Austin, Texas. The spot promotes the latest version of their consumer electronics product that converts old VHS tapes to DVD (and now Blu-ray discs too). If you'd like to see how it works, I'll be demonstrating the product on the QVC network next Saturday morning (June 20th).
The folks at Honestech shot the HD footage for the spot, and we recorded the voiceover, created the animated titles, and edited the video. The clip was designed to take advantage of the high-def video player now available on YouTube:
If you're considering entering the world of affiliate marketing, I know of an excellent free resource: the Affiliate Marketing Answer Book. It was written by James Martell, the affiliate marketing guru, and is available from www.jamesmartell.com/newsletter.
I worked with James to create a video to promote the book. He scripted the video and provided the voiceover; I did the video editing. It's great to work with a client who knows what they want and knows what works.